Sunday 12 February 2012

Cabbage and vermicelli- great dish for vegetarians

I absolutely love having this dish! Great for the vegetarians. The crunchy cabbage is a nice combination with this soft bean vermicelli. These are the ingredients.

-Bean vermicelli
-Shiitake mushrooms
-Small Dry Prawns(optional)
-A bit of salt


Here are a few of my perfumes:

  • Avon- Women On Earth, Eau De Parfum

A very fresh and flowery scent that I feel most people will like. It is also not a strong perfume.

  • Chanel No.5

Yes, young people who's age category is from 20-30 would describe this perfume as a 'granny' perfume which I disagree. I like this perfume because the scent lasts for hours. Maybe people don't like it because they judge the smell when they first put it on their wrists? After around half an hour, I feel that the scent fades away, to a scent that is less strong and one that smells pretty nice.

  • Yves Rocher-Pomme De Reinette Eau De Parfum

This scent is very sweet, fun and very girly. It has a fruity scent. This perfume would be more for the younger age group. I absolutely love the smell. Wish it lasted for a longer time though!

Hair Serums

I love to put hair serum after blow-drying my hair. It makes my hair look healthier since it is quite dry and damaged.  This is one of my favourite hair serums by Clairol/Herbal Essences:

Just 2 pumps do the trick!

It smells amazing. It has a strong fruity scent.

I also really like the one from The Body Shop which I featured in my post dedicated to the products I tried from that company. Will update/have a part 2 for this post if I find some more good ones!

Friday 10 February 2012

Body Shop Products Review

I love The Body Shop for a few reasons:
-Their products are not tested on animals.
-Their products are naturally-scented.
-Their company have done charitable acts.

I have tried many products from them:

  • Shea Body Butter

-Very moisturizing. Great for those moments your skin feels dry. 
-Some people who have tried the product have told me it reduces some of their scars over time!

  • Shea Lip Butter

-I would prefer if these product came in a tube, like the packaging of a lip gloss. It would be more sanitary.
-It has a too thick consistency. 
-The product feels like it has sand in it.

  • Strawberry Body Wash

-Has a scent that lasts for a few hours.
-This product comes in other scents: lemon, mango, olive, shea butter, passion fruit, etc.

  • Grapeseed Glossing Serum

-The serum has a strong scent that not many people may like. But I do. Haha
-It makes your hair look shiny
PS: I have dry hair so it may look different if you have a different hair type.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Plastic Bottles

Do you know that every second, 1500 bottles are consumed in the US? That 50 BILLION bottles are sold every year??

For that, 17 billion barrels of oil are used each year.

Bottled water costs 1000 times more than tap water so why buy them? Do you know that drinking 2 litres of  water a day only costs 50 cents per year?? 

It would definitely be smarter to buy a water bottle: 

You still are using plastic but hey, water bottles last for years and how much money and material would you have saved?

Buy a water bottle. Save the earth. Be environmentally-friendly.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

How to prepare a pizza

Today, I am going to tell you about the one of the world's favourite dishes, Pizza.

-For the dough, you can use fresh dough or get the ready-made frozen pizzas in supermarkets(with very little topping)
-Tomato sauce
-Mozzarella Cheese(or other types of cheese based on your preference)


-Add the ingredients. (Cheese on top)
-Bake the pizza for 15 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius/400 degrees Fahrenheit. Check after 10 minutes to see if it is browning too fast. Lower temperature to 180 degrees Celsius/350 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you like your pizza to be spicy, top it off with some Tabasco sauce!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Samsung Galaxy S & iPhone 4S Review

Today, I am going to review the Samsung Galaxy S I (the one I have) and the famous iPhone 4S. 

I find that these two phones are the best at the moment.

Samsung Galaxy S I 
  • The good points:

-Firstly I really have to compliment it's good camera quality! The pictures taken with the focus option are amazing. I use this phone for all my youtube videos. When you make a video on this phone, you can pause the recording and go to another filming location. A great + for Youtubers who do not like to edit/compile their videos.
-There is a nice display when you are on the home page. There are 7 pages that you can scroll with a wallpaper that you can apply. You can add a calendar display on it with all your important dates for the next day, add files with your favorite applications in it, and even add widgets of example: BBC News and Youtube. The widgets of both, show the big titles/subscription videos. One last thing I find good to add on the home page is pictures. On each of the pages you can add 4 of your favourite photos!

  • The bad points:
-It takes quite a bit of time to on.
-Sometimes applications force close.

iPhone 4 S

  • The good points:
-It has the awesome Siri application! Here is a video that just shows how amazing it is:

- It has iCloud, an application that enables you to connect your iPhone, iPad, iMac. All the pictures will be on the Apple devices you have!
-Unfortunately, I can't say more about it as I have not tried it out. I have no idea what the bad points about this phone are. 

Friday 3 February 2012


I am going to share a movie that I recently watched. It is Anastasia, the 1997 film:

You can never be too old to watch fairytales. :)
I give this movie a 4/5!

Sites you may want to check out to understand the movie better:

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia

Anastasia (1956 film)

Anastasia (1997 film)

It is the kind of romantic fairytale where there is a beautiful young princess, Anastasia and and a poor kitchen boy, Dimitri. I am going  to stop here. The rest is for you to find out! ;)

PS: One last detail. This movie has very few ideas from what originally happened. The 'real' Anastasia got murdered by the Bolshevik Secret Police!

Thursday 2 February 2012

'3-in-1 recipe'

Back with a '3-in-1 recipe'!

This is how you can make a few snacks/desserts with bananas, especially when you have many that are ripe.
Start off by freezing some bananas, like this:

Do not worry if they look a bit brown, that is oxidation.
-You can eat it just like that. I find frozen bananas a very refreshing snack. 

But are you craving an ice cream or a smoothie
-With the frozen bananas, blend them in your food processor with some milk/ice(both optional)until smooth. And voila! You get banana ice-cream!
-If you want to banana smoothie, add more milk.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Dinner Ideas 1

Hello Dear Readers,

Back with another post! Today I wanted to share of a fantastic meal I had today. Very well presented!

- Fried Rice
- Chicken wrapped in Seaweed(bought from a supermarket)        and...
- Spinach

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